Month: March 2018

At St John University, BA and MA Degrees are the Norm

Technology is now transforming what happens when a child goes to school. Instead of being faced with the rigors of picking up facts and knowledge, the offspring these days dabbles in coding toy-robots and picking analytical and theoretical knowledge. Some luddites and well-reasoned educators seek to ensure that children’s analytical skills would not pass up… Continue reading “At St John University, BA and MA Degrees are the Norm”

Study From The Comfort Of Your Home

Online courses take place when the classes are not lectured in physical classes. Studying for a distance learning degree program requires the use of computer with internet connection. This concept dates back in the 18th century where distance learning education used email service to deliver teaching materials to participants. They were called “correspondence courses”. Nowadays,… Continue reading “Study From The Comfort Of Your Home”

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